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Description: 傅立叶变换的c语言源代码 128点DIT FFT函数: /* 采样来的数据放在dataR[ ]数组中,运算前dataI[ ]数组初始化为0 */ void FFT(float dataR[],float dataI[]) -Fourier Transform c language source code DIT 128 point FFT function : / * Sample data on the dataR [] array, Operational before dataI [] array initialization to 0 * / void FFT (float dataR [], float dataI [])
Platform: | Size: 3525 | Author: 郑超 | Hits:


Description: 128点快速傅立叶变换算法,用C语言编的,很实用的-128 point FFT algorithm in C language addendum to the very practical
Platform: | Size: 1059 | Author: 太阳雨 | Hits:


Description: 最新的FFT程序,目前是最好的开放FFT代码-latest FFT procedure, is the best open source FFT
Platform: | Size: 2692096 | Author: 薛斌 | Hits:


Description: 傅立叶变换的c语言源代码 128点DIT FFT函数: /* 采样来的数据放在dataR[ ]数组中,运算前dataI[ ]数组初始化为0 */ void FFT(float dataR[],float dataI[]) -Fourier Transform c language source code DIT 128 point FFT function :/* Sample data on the dataR [] array, Operational before dataI [] array initialization to 0*/void FFT (float dataR [], float dataI [])
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 郑超 | Hits:

[DSP programTMS320F2812-FFT

Description: F2812 标准FFT算法,128点,256点,512点,1024点FFT算法,具体做法为将库含数FFT.LIB加入的目标项目,加入对应的C含数和头文件,特别注意的FFT算法缓冲去一定要存放在0X8000H中的内部缓冲区中!!!切记,本人调试时就走了很多弯路啊-F2812 standard FFT algorithm, 128, 256, 512, 1024-point FFT algorithm, the specific approach to the library will join with several FFT.LIB goals, joined counterparts with the number of C header files, pay special attention to the FFT algorithm to buffer must 0X8000H stored in the internal buffer! ! ! remember, I debug away many detours ah
Platform: | Size: 23552 | Author: 孙玉海 | Hits:


Description: FFT的实现在LPC2378上。首先采用了拉个朗日插值算法对采集的电网波形频率跟踪,然后使用128点的FFT。-FFT on achieving the LPC2378. First used in the Rafah Colon day interpolation algorithm for the acquisition tracking grid frequency waveform, and then use the 128 point FFT.
Platform: | Size: 25600 | Author: 张红卫 | Hits:


Description: 128点快速傅立叶变换算法,用C语言编的,很实用的-128 point FFT algorithm in C language addendum to the very practical
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 太阳雨 | Hits:


Description: 最近用Mega128写了一个128点FFT程序,浮点运算,加汉宁窗。由于窗函数和旋转因子通过查表得到,所以速度还可以,程序中给的初值是通过高速AD采集的20KHz正弦信号。计算结果与Matlab的FFT函数得到的结果相同。 -Mega128 recently wrote a 128-point FFT procedures, floating-point operations, Hanning window. Since the window function and the twiddle factor look-up table has been adopted, so the speed can also be, the initial value to the process through high-speed AD collected 20KHz sinusoidal signal. The calculation results with the Matlab
Platform: | Size: 20480 | Author: dfsdf | Hits:

[DSP programfft128c

Description: DSP2812下,C调汇编的128点FFT程序,算法为TI提供,定点,测量信号频率和幅度较好,速度比C快三倍左右.-DSP2812 under, C tune compiled 128 points FFT procedures, algorithms for TI to provide, point, measure the signal frequency and amplitude is better, faster than C for about three times faster.
Platform: | Size: 17408 | Author: sss | Hits:


Description: 128点fft的IP核vhdl源代码,另有其控制代码。-128 point fft s IP core VHDL source code, while its control code.
Platform: | Size: 7168 | Author: 戈立军 | Hits:


Description: 单片机能实现的FFT算法。128点快速傅氏变换-Single-chip to realize the FFT algorithm. 128-point fast Fourier transform
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 王伟刚 | Hits:


Description: FFT子程序,用于AVR单片机上,为7级128点的FFT-FFT Subroutine for AVR Single Chip, for the seven 128-point FFT
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 张海增 | Hits:


Description: FFT算法实现 Radix2 可以计算 4,8,16,32, 64,128, 256....点FFT Radix4 可以计算 4,16, 64, 256, 1024...点FFT FFT_DIT_general.c 实现了 Radix2 和Radix4 的配合使用,可以计算Radix2可以计算的所有FFT,但效率比Radix2高。-FFT can be calculated Radix2 algorithm 4,8,16,32, 64,128, 256 .... can calculate the FFT Radix4 points 4,16, 64, 256, 1024-point FFT FFT_DIT_general.c ... Radix2 and Radix4 achieved with the use of Radix2 can calculate can calculate all the FFT, but Radix2 high efficiency.
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: liuxiaoxiao | Hits:

[assembly languagefft

Description: vhdl code and verilog code for an 128 point fft processor which has to be executed in xlinx software as needed for course project
Platform: | Size: 364544 | Author: tejaswini | Hits:


Description: 128点FFT程序,带有详尽的注释,便于移植。-128-point FFT program, with detailed notes, easy to transplant.
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: wwddd | Hits:


Description: c语言编写的求1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256,512,1024,2048点fft 通用程序-c language of the general program requirements 1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256,512,1024,2048 point fft
Platform: | Size: 15360 | Author: ws | Hits:

[Software Engineering128-Point-fft-ok

Description: 这是一个外文文档,在fft的设计方面有较大的改进,可以当作大家的参考-This is a file writed by english,which has been optimized in fft.It is a good choice for the ones who are working on dsp and fpga.
Platform: | Size: 299008 | Author: gaod | Hits:

[Other GamesFFT

Description: 基于TMS320F2407的128点FFT源程序-Based on the TMS320F2407 128-point FFT source
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: wf | Hits:

[DSP programfft

Description: 基于DSP2812的模拟量采集128点的FFT算法,用于变频器的SVPWM控制-The DSP2812 analog capture the 128-point FFT algorithm for inverter-based SVPWM control
Platform: | Size: 400384 | Author: 李明辉 | Hits:


Description: 128点基8的快速傅里叶变换的verilog代码(Verilog code of fast Fourier transform based on 128 point base 8)
Platform: | Size: 231424 | Author: helimpopo | Hits:
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